The Basics of Sexuality

This course was written because I noticed a tremendous lack of awareness on some of the consequences, and hidden influences behind sex. It was largely written to help people learn of the ancient wisdom on sexuality that comes from ancient knowledge. Largely based off of the information found in the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga. While these teachings are for a life that is dedicated to spiritual development, much of the wisdom is applicable to everyone. I tried my best to take the knowledge that would be beneficial for everyone to know, and be aware of, while removing some of the things that don't apply to the average person living a normal life in society. As well as make it accessible to people who are new to spirituality, or unaware of such things at all.

Many teachings online, or in the new age are very mixed and confused. I've tried to bring clarity to the space with this course. Just because you have read so called "spiritual" teachings do not make them compatible with this course, or something I recommend. For example I do not recommend you assume that the practices of Mantak Chia, Osho, or any other spiritual teachers are necessarily compatible. Much of these practices I consider very dangerous for the non initiate or a misrepresentation of the true spiritual tantric teachings.

This course takes a balanced approach to sex, and does not view abstinence as necessary. Yet the consequences of sex are taken very seriously. The reason is that our society, and our digital pornified world are immensely damaging and addictive. If we lived in a world without such things being so easily accessible I would have taken things more relaxed. But with porn and sexual media making poor decisions the norm I couldn't take the risks lightly.

Most of my sources come from the writings of Sri Aurobindo, or talks given by ashramites. These talks are not fully applicable to the average person. They contain very specific information given in the context of the Integral Yoga, and its practices. WIth that in mind do not just go reading quotes from Sri Aurobindo and assume you have to be abstinent. I've done my best to bring on the requisite knowledge for the average person to find benefit from. With that said if it interests you my sources largely come from these talks and quotes.

The first is a seven part series on sex and relationships from an ashramite in the Sri Aurbindo Ashram. The Second is a single talk by another ashramite. The third is a compilation of writings by Sri Aurbindo and the Mother on the topic. You won't have the proper context for the discussion if you haven't become familiar with Sri Aurbindo, the Mother, the Ashram, and their writings. This is the reason I made this course, to make their teaching applicable even to those not doing sadhana, and to get the occult wisdom to young people.