The base sexual fluid is called retas, by the process of tapas or tapasya, it is slowly subtilized into higher spiritual energies. It is for this reason that all forms of self-control and austerity are called tapas or tapasya because they generate the heat or stimulus which is a source of powerful spiritual action and success. Tapas is more than just conserving sexual fluids, its most beneficial when it takes place on all levels. Turning the seminal fluid is to be done by a process, it will have to be by Tapasya (self-control of mind, speech, act) and a drawing upward of the seminal energy through the Will.
•The transformation of retas to ojas is a progressive refinement of subtle energy within the body. It begins with retas, the seminal fluid, which is seen as a base substance containing potential forms of light, heat, and electricity. When conserved through practices like celibacy, or tapasya this energy undergoes a series of transformations. The base sexual fluid is retas by conservation and subtilization it then evolves into tejas, described as light or energy that is the source of knowledge. The next stage is vidyut, or electricity, which forms the basis of all forceful action, both intellectual and physical. The final transformation is into ojas, considered the primal energy that is closest to spirit. This ojas is said to rise to the brain, infusing it with the most refined form of matter. Throughout this process, the energy is described as moving upward through the body, becoming increasingly subtle and spiritually potent. This transformation is believed to enhance not only physical vitality but also mental faculties and spiritual potential, forming a key aspect of certain yogic practices aimed at spiritual evolution.
•Sexual fluids when sublimated and conserved contain many higher gradations of substance that are higher than the physical. For this reason sexual energy can be spilt or lost in other forms. The pleasurable sensation of sex is actually this energy being thrown out of the being, and that same energy is also thrown out in high intensity passions or emotions like anger, or acts like gossip. For this reason it is very easy to spill and lose the energies, and takes a purity and strength of the whole system to sublimate them higher. For this reason engaging in sexual thoughts, or activity is draining without sexual fluids being spilled. It is common for people who have impurities in their system to constantly get angry or fantasize sexually during periods of abstinence from sex for this reason.
•The sexual fluids are so nutrient dense and filled with vital energies because they are intended to contain the life force and nutrients to keep the sperm and eggs alive, and feed the growing seed of life within them. When not expelled these nutrients and vital forces are naturally uptaken and used by the body to nourish vitality, and longevity.
"The contrary opinion of which you speak may be due to the idea that sex is a natural part of the human vital-physical whole, a necessity like food and sleep, and that its total inhibition may lead to unbalancing and to serious disorders. It is a fact that sex suppressed in outward action but indulged in other ways may lead to disorders of the system and brain troubles. That is the root of the medical theory which discourages sexual abstinence. But I have observed that these things happen only when there is either secret indulgence of a perverse kind replacing the normal sexual activity or else an indulgence of it in a kind of subtle vital way by imagination or by an invisible vital interchange of an occult kind,—I do not think harm ever occurs when there is a true spiritual effort at mastery and abstinence. It is now held by many medical men in Europe that sexual abstinence, if it is genuine, is beneficial; for the element in the retas which serves the sexual act is then changed into its other element which feeds the energies of the system, mental, vital and physical—and that justifies the Indian idea of Brahmacharya, the transformation of retas into ojas and the raising of its energies upward so that they change into a spiritual force."
- Sri Aurobindo
"The sex-energy utilised by Nature for the purpose of reproduction is in its real nature a fundamental energy of life. It can be used not for the heightening but for a certain intensification of the vital emotional life; it can be controlled and diverted from the sex-purpose and used for aesthetic and artistic or other creation and productiveness, or preserved for heightening of the intellectual or other energies. Entirely controlled it can be turned into a force of spiritual energy also. This was well known in ancient India and was described as the conversion of retas into ojas by Brahmacharya. Sex-energy misused turns to disorder and disintegration of the life-energy and its powers."