Sex is natures' bonding process, this process is intended by nature to form unit between partners that lasts for life. Sex is a profound mixing of energies and formation of bonds on many levels. For this reason their are extremely strong bonds, and other consequences that happen during and after the sex act. Many of them take place on higher levels than the physical.
Physical level
•During sexual excitement and activity, the body releases various fluids and pheromones. These are not just reproductive cells, but include highly nutritive substances the body uses for regeneration. There's also a release of hormones and endorphins that affect the brain and nervous system. The excitement of the sexual act, and orgasm are imprinted deeply into the subcounscious memory.
Vital level
•This is where the most significant exchange occurs. The aura or energy field of each person breaks down, allowing for a mingling of vital energies. This can include the transfer of personality traits, tendencies, and even karmic imprints. The vital being of each partner opens up, leading to a deep energetic exchange.
Mental level
•There's an exchange of mental energies and even subconscious material. Recent learning or skills can be affected, sometimes diminished or shared between partners. The mental boundaries between individuals become more permeable.
Karmic Exchange
•There's a mingling of karmic streams between partners.One person's karma can flow into the other's karmic stream.This is said to be why people often notice changes in their "luck" or life circumstances after marriage or significant sexual relationships.
Energetic Bonding
•The auras or energy fields of both partners break down and intermingle.This creates a strong energetic bond between the partners. This bonding is what creates the links between partners that seem to have no concern for distance, or need for physical contact for various transfer of emotions, energies, or thoughts to occur. When relationships end, it is the repeated tearing and reforming of these bonds, that cause so much emotional, mental, and even physical pain.
Transfer of Traits
•Personality traits, tendencies, and even skills can be transferred between partners.For example, if one person has a tendency for anger, that imprint can transfer to the other. Both positive and negative traits can be exchanged in this way.
Subconscious Material
•There's a significant exchange of subconscious content between partners.This can include deep-seated fears, desires, and unresolved issues.
Physical Resonance
•Over time, partners in a long-term sexual relationship may begin to physically resemble each other due to this continuous energy exchange.
Psychic Imprints
•The act leaves psychic imprints on both partners.These imprints can last long after the relationship has ended.
Subtle Body Effects
•The subtle bodies (vital, mental, etc.) of both partners are affected.This can lead to long-lasting changes in one's energy patterns.
Spiritual Consequences
•For those on a spiritual path, these exchanges can affect their spiritual progress, depending on the nature of the relationship and the consciousness of the partners.