The Occult Aspects of Sex

What Does Occult Mean?

Occult or Occultism has a rather negative connotation today that is necessary to explain. The word only means hidden, or the study of the hidden forces behind life. That said, the negative connotation comes from the frequent practice of using these hidden forces for selfish or harmful purposes. It's important to understand that occultism itself is not inherently bad or evil. Like any field of knowledge or power, it is neutral; its nature depends on how it is used and the intent behind its application.

The Three Bodys and Planes

Physical Body/Plane: The densest form of our existence, bound by matter. The physical plane is characterized by rigid forms, limited by space and time. The physical body is our material vehicle in the physical world. It is plugged into, or animated by higher bodies, and energies.

Vital Body/Plane: More fluid than the physical, associated with life force, emotions, and desires. The vital plane is the world of energy, impulses, and sensations. The vital body is our energy sheath that animates the physical body. The lower vital worlds correspond to our lowest human desires and instincts. It is here the sex instinct originates from.

Mental Body/Plane: Subtler than the vital, dealing with thoughts, ideas, and reason. The mental plane is the realm of concepts, knowledge, and understanding. The mental body is our thought-based vehicle for experiencing the mental plane. It plugs into the physical and rational mind, but has many higher levels of cognition beyond space and time, such as intuition. There are also many gradations of the mental planes as well.

Above the physical, vital, and mental bodies are even higher gradations and bodies. These are the spiritual realms, and bodies that are yet to be developed in man. They are called spiritual because they are above mental or vital forms and are of the grades of the spirit.

Sex Takes Place on Many Levels

• Sex takes place and influences many levels of our being. The yogic tradition shows us we have more than just one body. We have a physical body, a vital body, and a mental body. Sex is primarily rooted in our lower nature which consists of the physical body's instincts, sensations, hormones, pleasure, and the vital body's lower desires, life forces and passions. It also can take place on levels above the physical and vital, in the mental region. This is usually on a subconscious level and rooted in certain mental affinities, but it can also contain levels of higher emotions and intimacy. This is rarely done, and most relationships and physical sex are based on lower levels of attraction and vanity.

•Human beings are like Antennas that pick up and attract whatever they are open to or "resonate" with on various levels of they're being. If they were not open to sex suggestions it would not be able to grip them. This can be on levels that we are unconscious of, this is especially true of our lower nature which is mostly subconscious and instinctual.

• Sex is an incredibly ancient and powerful cosmic force of nature that seizes beings where their lower nature is receptive. It comes from the lower vital regions and physical instincts. It seizes the being in an aim to fulfill itself. This happens because on subconscious levels our being is open to these suggestions.


"All movements are in the mass movements of Nature's cosmic forces—they are movements of universal Nature. The individual receives something of them, a wave or pressure of some cosmic force, and is driven by it; he thinks it is his own, generated in himself separately, but it is not so, it is part of a general movement which works just in the same way in others. Sex, for instance, is a movement of general Nature seeking for its play and it uses this or that one—a man vitally or physically "in love" as it is called with a woman is simply repeating and satisfying the world-movement of sex, if it had not been that woman, it would have been another; he is simply an instrument in Nature's machinery, it is not an independent movement. So it is with anger and other Nature-motives."
- Sri Aurobindo
"The forces and beings of the vital world have a great influence on human beings. The vital world is on one side a world of beauty,—the poet, artist, musician are in close contact with it; it is also a world of powers and passions, lusts and desires,—our own lusts and desires, and passions and ambitions can put us into connection with the vital worlds and their forces and beings. It is again a world of things dark, dangerous and horrible. Nightmaresare contacts with this side of the vital plane. Its influences are also the source of much in men that is demoniac, dirty, cruel and base."
- Sri Aurobindo
Course Contents
Course HomeWhat is the Sex InstinctThe Many Levels of SexRefinement of Sexual EnergyThe Bonding ProcessFormation of ChildrenSex and Development Managing SexFinal Thoughts