•When young people are growing their individuality is still being formed. When they engage sexually their individuality splits and opens before it is fully formed. This can lead to immense complications, and confusions. It can be very damaging for this reason to engage in premature sex.
•Understand the power of vital energies. Recognize that sexual and emotional energies are potent forces that can significantly impact your development and relationships. That there is a deeper discrimination of the soul and intuition that will warn you of engaging sex prematurely. Having sex with the wrong person while physically pleasurable, is extremely damaging not just to our individuality, but to our whole life's trajectory. Most relationships take years to recover from.
•Those that engage with casual sex are usually deadened, hardened, and desensitized. There is nothing healthy about engaging sexually with many people. To do so will damage your ability to feel, bond, and be intimate with a future partner.
•Porn and masturbation also damage this process, it's less serious than fully having sex, but a type of bonding and imprinting does occur, and it can pervert our sexual nature, and future abilities to enjoy sex later in life. It is best to quit these as soon as possible.
•The modern western values on casual sex come from a perverted culture that has lost its way. It has led to the destruction of the west, and a massive depletion of vitality in western culture.
•There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin, it is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. In fact those that have engaged prematurely with sex have damaged themselves, and their ability to bond. There is some truth in the common belief of virginal purity. The idolization of sex, and the association of high body counts with masculinity comes from western values, and media. It is nothing to be proud of.
•It is up for us to know where we are and capapble of. Completely removing sex, and not indulging in it is not necessary for the vast majority of people. The purpose of this course is to help awaken the deeper discernment and awareness of the consequences so that we may make wise decisions. It is very unlikely that you need to be completely abstinent for the purpose of your life. This is usually reserved for extremely spiritually dedicated people. That said sex, porn use, and masturbation are extremely dangerous when improperly used. Remember that it is natures purpose to make sex as addictive, and irrational as possible to make sure the act is fulfilled. The most important thing is to not put ourself in dangerous positions, and to be open to the deeper warnings of our inner discernment when engaging romantically and sexually.